Childcare Professionals Who Truly Care
Look no further for a great child education center in Yakima, WA
Are you a working parent needing childcare assistance? Stepping Stones Childcare & Education is ready to help you in Yakima, WA. At our childcare facility, we pack our curriculum with fun, yet educational activities for your little heroes. From helping them develop social skills to providing homework assistance programs, we can make caring for your children that much easier.
Interested? Call 509-575-1609 to schedule a childcare facility tour today.

Teaching Every Little Big Dreamer to Reach High
Enroll them in our exciting child education center today!
We care for all ages, starting from 30 days to 12 years old
You won't have to wait to place your children in a childcare facility. The teachers at our child education center can handle even the earliest stages of childhood development. Along with our fun-packed early morning program, we provide a nutritious breakfast, lunch and two snacks every day.
We can't wait to see your children's bright and smiling faces. Enroll them in our child education center today.
Growing All Children One Step at a Time in Yakima, WA
What makes our childcare facility different?
Founded in 1990, Stepping Stones Childcare & Education has been helping raise children for generations. The teachers at our child education center truly understand the importance of proper childhood development. When you enroll your children in our childcare facility, you can be reassured knowing that:
Our staff has over 20 years of combined experience.
All our teachers are background-checked and thoroughly trained to teach our child education programs with ease.
Your children will be learning in a caring, trustworthy and healthy environment every day.
It would be our pleasure to take care of your little ones. Reach out to us for dependable childcare enrollment services in Yakima, WA.
Statement of Non-discrimination
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). We are an equal opportunity employer.